Monday, March 19, 2007


Last weekend was a full-on, full-contact, in-your-face, next generation collision with the Cross. We call it Amplified! Over 200 junior high and high school students came together to experience God and embrace a global mandate to stand up, stand out, and change their world for Christ. Students stayed in host homes Friday and Saturday night, building lasting friendships and discovering the commitments of discipleship. During the day on Saturday, we sent out teams of young people into our community to work at different schools, painting, working flowerbeds, and picking up trash. I'm so proud of our student ministry staff who worked countless hours in prayer and planning to create an incredible environment for our kids.

The highlight for me was Late Nite's opportunity to host one of the Amplified services. Chad Daniel, my radical friend and worldwide missionary, gave us a prophetic message, challenging us to embrace our calling and dreams. After 3 hours of worship, word, and seeking God, the stage was filled with young men and women turning their hearts toward Christ! Dozens received the gift of the Holy Spirit and surrendered their lives to the mission fields of the world. At midnight, over 30 kids were baptized in the freezing cold waters of the HPC lake!! It was was was totally God! I love what God is doing in our sons and daughters!


At 9:21 AM, Blogger Amy said...

Um.. God truly is amazing. He always suprises us. As a leader at Refuge, my prayer was that God would break the hearts of the students. And He did, but He broke mine too. Confirmed the call He has on my life, and put some pieces together that He started giving me back when I was a Junior in highschool. God truly is amazing. Why you wouldn't want to be apart of the incredible journey God has is beyond me? I encourage all of you to stay strong, we serve the GOD of all the earth.
Thanks Pastor Mike, and Pastor Dino for creating invironments where God do the amzing things He did at Amplified. Its such an encouragement and comfort to know the church is behind the next gereration doing all they can to equip them for the Call God has for them.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger jason laird said...

thanks for all the investments you've made in my life thru the years...o'ya and the patience. love ya


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