Saturday, March 03, 2007

A Growing Family

After years of stubborn resistance and a thoroughly made-up mind, I finally melted under the pressure of girl-power: I broke down and let Alexa and Mikaela get a dog! The girls have been trying to convince me for a long time that they can responsibly care for a puppy. Even Rachel has taken up their cause, hitting me every couple days with research she's pulled from the internet on easy dog-care tips. After being triple-teamed long enough, I just got tired of girls have an incredible ability to negotiate!!

Monday afternoon, Rachel brought home an 8 week-old Yorkie with a little pink bow in her hair--yes, another girl in the house! I can't even win for losing!! The guy-girl ratio at my home is moving in the wrong direction! I had the video camera when Alexa opened the box, and it was awesome--tears all over the place! It was serious Niagra Falls, including Rachel! The girls quickly named her Maggie, and she has been the center of attention all week. In spite of the challenges of potty training and nights in the kennel, the joy in our home is obvious. It's still early, and the votes are coming in, but I've been nominated for the 2007 Dad of the Year Award.

I have to confess that even I get a little excited to come home and see all my girls...including little Maggie. Alexa and Mikaela have surprised me with all the initiative they are taking around the house. This morning they made breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, and folded clothes...maybe I should have let the girls have a dog a long time ago!


At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent choice on the yorkie. We have 2 and they are the best. Potty training will be a long road, both of ours took about 6 months before they really got the idea. They are very smart and great with children. Wes and I are curious to see how ours will react when we bring our new baby home, they have been the center of our attention for so long.

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww! Maggie is sooo cute! Your family is going to spoil her rotten! A cute dog and the girls cooking you breakfast, I'd say you're ahead of the game. Maybe I'll talk your girls into convincing you to get them a kitten as well while Maggie is young. If you raise a puppy and kitten together they'll become the best of friends:)

At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your announcement last night that you're having a BOY!!!! I have two and they are fabulous! You are a blessing to us all. Please know that we support you. God bless.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Congrads on your SON!!!!!!!!!!!! OHMYGOSH!!!!!!!!!!! A little HAMANINATOR is coming! Man, I am sooooooo happy for you! Congradulations!!!!! Happy birthday by the way! :P

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Connie Firmin said...

Happy Birthday and Congrats on finally getting a boy to join the ranks in your home. Doug always says "I wish I had just one son! Man, you girls just don't get it!", so I'm sure he can share your pain! ha! I imagine that news was one of the best presents you could get! Hope you had a GREAT b-day! By the way, the puppy is precious!

At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and congrats on the baby boy.


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