Friday, January 12, 2007

Men in the Making

We had a cool start and a great turnout to the inaugural, history-making, men's Bible study at Vitality Nutri-Sport today--a big thanks to Jeff Simoneaux and his team for serving it up! I was amazed at the variety of stuff you can get at that place...everything from ostrich burgers and kelp tablets to organic coffees and protein drinks! Men young and old rolled out of bed early and journeyed down Coursey Blvd to start a brand new experience with God. Today marks the first of 10 Fridays we will travel together in our pursuit of spiritual fitness and developing habits of health. Just like David's final challenge to Solomon (I Kings 2:2), God wants us to take courage and be men. Being male is simply a matter of biology, but being a man is a call to courageous leadership. I'm believing this year to be an incredible opportunity to demonstrate courage in our relationships, our decisions, and especially our actions. If you missed it this morning, no worries...just jump in next week! We'll learn together as we explore the book of I John. In the meantime, look out all you bacon-and-egg boys from Franks...there's a lean, mean, protein team from Vitality that's looking to raise the spiritual bar this year!!!!


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