Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas 2006

Christmas for the Hamans this year was filled with family and friends, lots of joy and laughter, and way too much food! It's funny how we constantly graze in the kitchen like a bunch of cattle in a hay field. If I eat another praline, I think I'm going to explode!! Rachel made a seafood gumbo that was absolutely perfect for a cold, rainy Christmas Day.

My dad drove in from Galveston on Saturday, while my sister and her family came in from Houston Sunday morning. We all had a wonderful time at church--Candace brought the thunder...Pastor Dino brought the lightning...and we all got caught in the storm!

I started early Monday morning with some of my world famous Hamanator pancakes--some of you may be surprised, but I got skills in the kitchen. Soon after, the kids tore into their presents, and it looked like a tornado of gift wrap had ripped through the house. My nephew got a Dallas Cowboys football helmet--along with an entire uniform--so we spent the rest of the day tackling each other on our hardwood floors. At 32, I don't recover as quickly as I used to!!

I talked to my sister in Denver on the phone--they got hammered by some serious snow...wish she could pack some of it up and send it down here. We're tired of making snow angels in the mud!! My mom is coming in town tomorrow, so the party won't stop. Seems like we've had our Christmas tree up for 3 months now! God is so faithful...I'm believing 2007 to be nothing short of incredible!!


At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad ya'll were able to meet Mimi. Hopefully next time we will have a little more time to hang =)

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Amy said...

Hope you survived Christmas. Meant to tell you hi this morning but we were rolling to Whole Foods. Today's Jamie's birthday. I am trying to spend some time with him. He's 16. I can't wait for LAte night on Saturday night you have know idea how happy and excited I am. Now I can officially be a Late Night volunteer. I pray you, Rachel and the girls have a blessed new year.


At 1:37 AM, Blogger danohlerking said...

dude, there's an awful lot of pink in that first picture.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Pastor Mike,
glad you survived Christmas! And yes, Amy didn't lie, I turned 16! You don't have to worry about me getting my license, 'cause I'll still be driving w/my parents for a while! :P

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

next year we are doing an entire family christmas, either in big MO, or down there, by the way.. How about my USC trojans

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Pastor Jeff said...

Hello, I noticed ur comment about Reggie Pleasant and I am wondering if you have a way of contacting him? I Pastor a Church in Nashville and am in need of his direction on a specific issue.
Jeppaman@gmail.com thanks!!


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