Friday, April 14, 2006


I had the wonderful opportunity this week to travel to Dallas, TX, and minister at one of the foremost Bible colleges in America--Christ for the Nations Institute. CFNI is a ministry training center with an incredible history of raising up generations that have shaped the spiritual landscape of this country and many others for over 6 decades. It was berthed by a man named Gordan Lindsay with a vision to equip and send men and women to the nations with the Gospel.

A good friend of mine, Adam McCain, now serves as director of the school and invited me to spend a week speaking into the lives of these future world-changers. When I first arrived Sunday night and checked into my room, I began to read the story behind CFNI and was blown away. The size of the ministry, the global impact, all the great men and women who have ministered there before...I was absolutely intimidated! I saw pictures of people like Reinhard Bonnke, Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, Jack Hayford, Wellington Boone, Tommy Barnett, Tony Evans, Miles Munroe, Ron Luce, John Bevere--this was a who's who of the Christian zoo!!

Suddenly, I felt microscopic--like an amoeba in a sea of spiritual giants. Then God reminded me of how small all of us are compared to his massive glory and strength. I was not there to make a name for myself--my purpose was to represent One infinitely bigger than me! My life should be one continual effort in making Jesus famous, and the only way I can accomplish that is if I become anonymous. John said it best in his gospel: "He must increase, and I must decrease." I realize that I'm just a nobody, trying to tell everybody, about Somebody, that can save anybody!

We had an amazing week learning, laughing, and growing together. I don't know what God accomplished in those students, but I will never forget what He did in me!


At 5:51 PM, Blogger Johanna said...

thank you for this post. I randomly found it, and I'm glad I did. I'm a alumni from CFNI, and just reading your post blessed me...thank you. As a matter of fact, I'm going to take part of your last paragraphs, if that's ok.

Be blessed!


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