Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Decision Making for Dummies

I am really pumped about our current teaching series called "Decision Making for Dummies"--maybe because I have made my share of totally dumb decisions! Haven't you? Have you ever made a decision that at the time seemed perfectly logical, only to look back and wonder, "Man, what in the world was I thinking?" What made perfect sense at the beginning, turned out to be a BAD idea. As we have gone through this study, we have laughed at our own folly, cried at the hands of our own regret, and been comforted to know that we're not alone. Our approach has been light-hearted, but the topic has been anything but lightweight.

I truly believe that the quality of our lives will be determined by our ability to make wise choices. Fortunately, God does not leave us to our own demise or passively watch as we stumble in darkness trying to find our way. In John chapter 10, He compares Himself to a shepherd that calls us by name and leads us out. He gathers us, walks ahead of us, and guarantees to mark out a path for us to follow...because we recognize His voice. You see, that's the key to making wise decisions: hearing His voice. When we listen to wrong voices, we make wrong choices.

Good decisions are the result of hearing the voice of God...and in order to hear God's voice, we must spend time with Him--it's that simple! All of us can look in our review mirror and be filled with regret over some poor choices we have made in the past--maybe choices independent of wise counsel or Godly wisdom. Regret has a powerful way of blurring the lines between what we can and cannot change. I've learned two things about regret: (1) If there is something you can fix, then fix it and move on. (2) If there is nothing you can do about it, then make your peace with God and move on...either way, you have to move on!

Don't miss the final week of this teaching. We'll more than likely offer it as a complete set on CD later this spring. God bless you as you continue to seek His leadership in making wise decisions!


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