Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Jesus at the Country Club

We had a really cool experience last Sunday after church. Christine Caine had finished her fast and furious schedule by preaching her 11th and final sermon in 7 days, so we headed over to the Country Club to grab a quick bite to eat (thank you David and Lisa Mac for making that happen!!). Guess who was there eating lunch with His family and friends? Jesus Christ!! Well, not literally...but if you've seen Mel Gibson's movie The Passion of the Christ, you know Jim Caviezel-the man who played Jesus. He is currently in town filming a movie with Denzel Washington. Wow! This gives new meaning to the words we always say, "Jesus is here...and anything can happen!"

I always pictured Jesus wearing a long robe and sandals, and eating fish on a beach...Sunday, he traded in his robe and fish sticks for a yellow suit and some veal cutlets! He was gracious enough to let us interrupt him--like a bunch of star-struck groupies--and take some pictures so we could tell our friends. I told him jokingly, "After 3 incredible services at church, we've been singing and talking about you all day long...nice of you to come join us for lunch!" After listening to him for nearly a half-hour, I could tell he is a man on a mission. The Passion of the Christ was not just another movie for him--he is on a crusade to make sure that people don't miss the reality of the Cross!

Isn't it good to know that regardless of where we are, or what we may be going through, the true King of kings and Lord of lords has promised to be with us!! Being a follower of Christ does not guarantee that everything in our lives will be perfect--it does, however, promise us that we will never take another step all by ourselves!


At 9:17 AM, Blogger Cajun Tiger said...

Sweet...however the thing he didn't tell you was that he was going to go brag to Mel Gibson that he ran into Mike Haman in Baton Rouge =)


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