Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Blessings of the House

With Easter quickly approaching, HPC buzzing with activity, the release of our brand new worship album "Wonder of the World" and the countless testimonies of God changing lives all around us, I came across a verse in Psalm 26 that sums up perfectly what God is doing in my own heart. In verse 8, the psalmist David says, "I love your sanctuary, Lord, the place where your glory shines." I absolutely love what God is doing in our house at Healing Place Church because the glory of the Lord is on display--it shines all across this community!! I love experiencing the presence of God during worship. I'm challenged by the preaching and teaching I hear. Sharing life with others in biblical community has brought my walk with God to a level I could not achieve on my own. There is no other place I would rather be--no other vision I would rather be serving under.

When I inventory the things I enjoy most in my life, I can always trace it back to a connection to the house of God. I gave my life to Christ as a boy after walking an isle and kneeling at an altar in church. I met and married my wife in church. Both of my daughters were dedicated to the Lord in His house. Through God's house, I have built relationships with my closest friends, discovered my calling, and now use my gifts and talents to serve my generation. My purpose and destiny are completely tied to the local church.

I believe that the church is God's primary agent to reach the world. We are plan A--there is no plan B. When Jesus sacrificed His life on a cross and rose from the dead, He ascended to heaven to be with the Father. What's amazing, He sent the Holy Spirit to empower us to continue His work! The hope of the world now rests in the hands of the church! Wow! What a calling--what a responsibility--what an opportunity!

If you are not currently plugged into a Bible-believing, life-giving church, let me encourage you to do that now. If you're in the Baton Rouge area, come worship with us this Easter at the River Center. Where ever you are as you read this, seek out a group of men and women who can walk with you, grow with you, and challenge you to a whole new level of living. You will discover your destiny when you commit to God's house!


At 1:18 AM, Blogger Cajun Tiger said...

I was just thinking this morning something very similar. This year marks 15-years since I graduated from high school. That started me on a path of where I had planned to be 15 years ago versus where I am now. How the "plans of men" are so far off from the Plans of our Father!!! I'll do a post on this on my blog and go into more detail in the next day or two.


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