Extreme Makeover
Cool story. When I first met Michelle, her life was a wreck--one disappointment after another. She had no job, no money, no family within 1000 miles, and she was living out of her car. In a pile of broken pieces, she made her way to Healing Place Church. Immediately, we adopted her into our family and reached out to her HPC-style. With the help of the Holy Spirit and some caring people, Michelle's life turned a major corner...isn't it amazing how the love of God can transform a person's life!
She took a job that allowed her to travel the world, but she always stayed in touch. In a short time, she met a guy and had fallen in love. They made plans to be married in Louisiana this past August, but a major storm in the Gulf had other arrangements. Katrina destroyed more than houses and property--it also destroyed hopes and dreams. Michelle and her fiance Paul relocated to Ft. Lauderdale with the desire to start over. After months of planning a second wedding, they were once again met with another hurricane--this time named Wilma. With two strikes against them, they were beginning to wonder what God was trying to tell them!
Instead of giving up, they dug their heels in and decided that the power of love could overcome any storm. In the meantime, ABC's tv show "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" picked up the news of their heartbreaking journey and wanted to surprise them with the wedding of their dreams. A few weeks later, some of us flew to Miami to be a part of this historic celebration. I had the wonderful privilege of officiating the wedding and Earl Rentz and his family all stood in it! The show aired last night on ABC, and it was a testimony to the resilliance of a people and the power of God's everlasting love.
Thank you, Paul and Michelle, for the opportunity to play a small part in what Jesus Christ has done in your lives! Thank you "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" for placing hope within reach to so many people! The credit belongs to you, the glory belongs to God, and the privilege is all mine!