Sunday, July 30, 2006

The First Decade

We passed a milestone on July 27th--this past Thursday marked 10 years that Rachel and I have been married. It's a wonderful thing to be able to grow in Christ together and share all of life's experiences (good, bad, and ugly) with someone who is fully committed to you. When I look at my gorgeous wife and then take a quick glance at myself in the mirror, I'm convinced that our marriage had to be orchestrated by God Himself...there's no other explanation!

It's interesting how much life can change over the course of 10 years--it's no longer just the 2 of us, safe in our own little private world, free to be totally absorbed in our love for each other. God has added 2 darling, yet demanding children, as well as an enormous amount of responsibility in a growing, high-impact church. Needless to say, my romantic skills are not as keen as they once were.

I'm convinced that Rachel missed her calling to be an FBI agent because it is next to impossible to surprise her with anything. You only get 1 chance to celebrate 10 years, so I had to get creative. This would be a massive under-taking, requiring me to enlist the help of some special people. Through a series of rigged phone calls, I made Rachel believe that I had drug my feet making plans for a little anniversary get-away (this wasn't hard to do because it's normally true), and every hotel room in New Orleans and Baton Rouge was booked. After some late-in-the-game brainstorming and some heated conversation about my inability to plan ahead, we resigned to staying at home and watching a movie, while the kids went with grandparents.

Her disappointment and frustration with me seemed to grow...little did she know I was playing her like a game of checkers! After a few tense moments and apologies from both of us, I tried to salvage the day by telling her to pack her bags and see if we couldn't find a hotel in New Orleans with a last minute cancellation. She was reluctant, but felt that after 10 years of marriage and 2 children, it was more than just a stay-at-home, Blockbuster night.

When she got into the car, I had all of our old-school, love songs on cassette (c'mon baby, we were dating back in the stone CD's, iPod's, or MP3's) !! A little Boyz 2 Men, some Celine Deon, a little L-train Luther Vandross, even threw in a taste of Shania Twain and John Michael Montgomery for good measure. We pulled up to the W Hotel in the French Quarter and were greeted with 5-star service as the valet service parked our car. To Rachel's surprise, the clerk at guest services let us know that a room was available--of course a room was available...I had sent Meghan, my assistant down earlier that day to trick the place out (candles, rose petals everywhere, 3 dozen roses, lotions & perfumes, chocolates, gifts, a card). I wanted to remind Rachel of all the reasons she fell in love with me, and that I was still her hunka-hunka burnin' love!!! The battleground had become a playground!!

When she walked into my little surprise, I could tell instantly that I went from a Zero to a Hero! We rolled out to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse to make our 7:30pm dinner reservations, and needless to say, it's been a great weekend!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

40 Days

God has really been challenging us as a church for the past few months to Go Global with our faith. The needs of society and humanity are spread worldwide. Children's Cup, an incredible ministry reaching AIDS Orphans, is asking believers to agree with them in prayer for some very specific needs. They will be posting these needs regularly on the website. Over the next 40 days, begginning with August 1st, people from all over will be praying for AIDS Orphans in Africa and OVC's that work with them in Africa. My family and I have committed to praying for the next 40 days specifically for these precious children. If you would like to join us in prayer, please put your name on the list. We are believing God for the miraculous!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Serving it up in Donaldsonville

I'm so proud of the Late Nite crew who dedicated their weekend to our Dream Center campus in Donaldsonville. A team of nearly 30 people made the trip to serve it up in one of the poorest communities of America--the average annual income per-family is $8200. I thank God for all of the missions projects we're a part of overseas, but you don't have to look very far from home to find extreme poverty and's in our own back yard. The Bible is clear on how Jesus feels about the poor, hurting, oppressed, and marginalized--we can't even say we have faith in God if there is not room in our hearts to care for them and offer hope. Under the direction of the phenominal Dream Center staff, we were able to rebuild homes, clean up neighborhoods, minister to children, and serve in the weekend services. Every single Late Niter was stretched to think beyond himself/herself and gain a new perspective on life. It's an incredible thing to be used by God to serve suffering humanity. Knowing we are placed on this earth for purposes much bigger than ourselves helps us understand the blessings of God more. Blessed to be a blessing is more than just a clever church saying--if we can help those in need, then we must!! Thank you Late's always an honor to serve.

Friday, July 21, 2006


This Wednesday night we kicked off our new series- I.AM.RELEVANT.
Relevant can be defined as:
1. connected to what's happening
2. useful to what's happening
3. suitable for a purpose

1 Corinthians 9:19-23 is an important scripture pertaining to relevance. In this passage of only five verses, the phrase " that I can bring them to Christ" is mentioned six times!!! The reason that we are still here and not brought up to Heaven is to bring others to the love and freedom found only in Christ!

Catch this: If the way you live your Christianity is not bringing others to Christ, then you are probably completely irrelevant.
I know this is tough to swallow, but it is possible to be saved and even serious about God, yet totally ineffective because you don't know what's going on around you!

We must remember that we are not on earth for ourselves- we have a much bigger purpose. We are here to make a difference. We must be understanding, committed, and unwilling to compromise.
What impact is your faith having on the world around you?

Monday, July 17, 2006

Wild Weekend

This past Friday, we celebrated Alexa's birthday--she turned 8 years old--by taking her and a friend to Dixie Landing. (Am I old enough to have a daughter that is really 8? Does this mean I have to grow up and start acting like a responsible adult? It's amazing how old I'm getting but how young I feel!) We dodged the rain drops for over an hour before heading to the mall for a little cookie cake and some birthday shopping.

While we were at the theme park, Mikaela, our 3 year old, got bit by a mosquito on the ankle. It began to swell over the next 24 hours to the point where she couldn't even walk. Fearing the worst, Rachel and I took her to the Lake After Hours on Sunday afternoon. As we sat in the waiting room for nearly 2 hours watching old Scooby-Doo re-runs, an elderly lady came in, assisted by her daughter. Her thumb was wrapped up and bloodied, and the look on her face told us she was in severe pain. We found out that she had slammed her thumb in a car door as she was leaving church that afternoon. Alexa looked on in compassion...I could see God was stirring something in her. We encouraged her to go pray for the elderly lady, but she seemed a bit reluctant to step forward. She probably thought, "Daddy, that's your job. You're the preacher...I'm just an 8 year old."

I sat in my seat, watching this whole scenario unfold, and hoped that she would take the risk. Sure enough, Alexa walked over to where the ladies were seated, introduced herself, and asked the injured one if she could pray for her. When the woman agreed, Alexa laid hands on her and prayed the healing power of Jesus Christ over her life. The elderly woman was crying, her daughter was crying, Rachel was crying, and everyone in that waiting room had just witnessed the awesome power of child-like faith. How cool is that?!!?! Now, all of a sudden, the exploits of Shaggy and Scooby-Doo seemed to pale in comparison to the encounter we had just witnessed. In my mind, I saw every sick person in that waiting room standing in line, as Alexa laid hands on every single one--I guess that's the preacher in me that dreams of doing ministry one day along side my children! Lord, help us as parents to encourage and empower our kids to release their faith in a world so desperately seeking it!!!

P.S--Mikaela is doing just fine, now. She's wide open, full-throttle!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Need for Speed

I commend those of you in the blog-sphere world who actually find the time to post every day. How do you do it?!! I envy you deeply as I struggle to find my way to the computer for a few quiet moments of thought and reflection. The best word to describe my summer experience is FAST...incredibly fast...and only accelerating!

We had 10 people staying at my house last weekend...that's a whole lot of toothpaste and toilet paper! My mom and her husband, Arlon came in from Texas, and our friends, Jeff and Candy Williams, who pastor in northeast Georgia, brought their two children--I love to listen to them talk...they're as country as the day is long!! We had a wonderful time together.

I guess the best comparison I can make when it comes to our need for speed happened a couple of weeks ago while we were in Florida. Rachel and I took the girls to a water park in Destin called Big Kahuna's--I've lived in Baton Rouge for 18 years and never been to a water park in my life--and this was awesome! When we first got there, we did a couple of small, harmless kiddie slides, and the girls were in heaven.

Then I looked up to the tallest point of the park and saw a towering black tunnel that twisted and turned like a pretzel. I grabbed Alexa and shouted, "Let's go!" With a shot of new adrenalin, we were hustling up several flights of stairs and reached the top platform where we had a great view of the city and read the name of the ride "Jumangi." It sounded like some tribal, torture technique, but we were undaunted in our pursuit of adventure. Alexa barely met the height requirement...I guess that should have clued me in as to the degree of difficulty.

We both entered our separate tunnels at the same time, crossed our hands and feet, and took off when we heard the whistle. It was pitch black in the tunnel, so there was absolutely no way to predict the next turn. As I picked up speed to about mach 3, I entered a new level of prayer and intercession that I had never experienced before. I was moving so fast that I couldn't even screem because I was choking on a mouthful of water. Then it hit me...if I'm 32 years old and panicing like a little 3rd grade girl, what is my little 3rd grade girl feeling right now!!!

We came out of our tunnels and hit the pool at the same time. Alexa was in tears, holding her stomach. I immediately rushed over to her, realizing that I had probably just won the "Loser Dad of the Year" award. I asked if she was ok, and through her tears, all she could say was, "Daddy, how could you?!"

Sometimes we have to step into our worst moments in order to gain our best perspective. I spent the rest of my time in the wading pool trying to avoid kids in yellow water! Slow down this summer and enjoy life.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

In Christ

*I'm in Christ because I understand that failure is an event and not a person; yesterday ended last night, and today is a brand new day.
*I'm in Christ because my past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure.
*I'm in Christ because I know that a win doesn't make me and a loss can't break me.
*I'm in Christ because I'm filled with faith, hope, and love and live without anger, guilt, greed, envy, or thoughts of revenge.
*I'm in Christ because I am mature enough to delay gratificatoin and shift my focus from my rights to my responsibilities.
*I'm in Christ because I know that if I don't stand for something, then I'll fall for anything.
*I'm in Christ because I'm secure in who I am, so I am at peace with God and in fellowhsip with man.
*I'm in Christ because I understand that others can give me pleasure, but only Jesus can satisfy the hunger in my soul.
*I'm in Christ because I am pleasant to the grouch, courteous to the rude, and generous to the needy.
*I'm in Christ because I love the unloveable, give hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless, friendship to the friendless, and encouragement to the discouraged.
*I'm in Christ because I look back in forgiveness, forward in hope, down in compassion, and up in gratitude.
*I'm in Christ because I know that "he who would be the greatest among you must become the servant of all."
*I'm in Christ because I recognize, confess, develop, and use my God-given mental, physical, and spiritual abilities to the glory of God and for the benefit of man.
*I'm in Christ because one day I will stand before God and hear him say, "Well done, My good and faithful servant. Enter into My rest."

2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away and behold all things have become new."