I'm learning that there is never a dull moment when you're a full-on follower of Christ! It's a life full of adventure, thrill, challenge, emotion, risk, sometimes pain, and lots of joy. Where did we ever get the idea that Christianity is some mild, passive, secondary experience void of fun? The person who said that obviously never truly encountered my Jesus!
So many thin
gs have happened within the last 10 days, I rarely have time to slow down long enough to actually blog and reflect on all the experiences. Rachel is 6 months pregnant now and has taken over our king-size bed. She has to sleep with the help of a dozen pillows, leaving me only a few square inches on the corner of the mattress to try and find rest!
Late Nite was incredible last weekend, as Jason Ryder and the praise team tore it up for 2 hours straight! More important than our own programs, the Holy Spirit wanted to minister to so many pe
ople who were wrestling with depression, anxiety, and fear over their future. It's a beautiful thing when you begin to surrender your own plans and expectations to the work and will of God.
On Sunday, we traveled to Richmond, TX, to do the weddin
g of a precious HPC couple, Jay Wilkins and Amy Sheehan. They got married at a gorgeous ranch house, and we had a blast!! My daughters love weddings--especially dancing at the reception. Much to my concern, both Alexa and Mikaela caught the bouquet as it was thrown. I don't even want to think about what that day will be like!
However, all of this crazy activity is about to change...my fast-paced life has come to a grinding halt--I broke my ankle yesterday in a serious game of backyard kickball with my daughters!! Do you think I might be a little too competitive? What am I going to do when Trevor Michael gets here? I can't even handle playing with my two little girls!
It was a beautiful Thursday afternoon, and our backyard was filled with the sounds and celebration of neighborhood kids starti
ng their spring break. Mikaela and her friends were feeding the ducks in the pond while the other kids were jumping on the trampoline and playing on the swing set. At the church, we have been working hard all week making preparations for Easter, so I was equally interested in a change of pace. Alexa challenged me to a game of kickball--I couldn't resist.
Down several runs, I had to be aggressive in mounting a comeback. I kicked the ball to the corner of the yard and ran like lightning to 3rd base. Alexa had retrieved the ball and was waiting for me at home plate. After playing cat-and-mouse trying to distract her, I made a break for it...literally! I tried to slide into home, tucking my leg underneath me--only my foot got caught and rolled the wrong direction. I heard it "snap-crackle-pop!" from one side to the other. Immediately I knew it was more than a routine sprain.
I never hurt so bad in all my life! My foot literally dangled on the end of my leg. With Rachel at Wal-Mart, I was fortunate to have Cindy, our next door neighbor there. In shock and amazement, she held my foot in place while Alexa ran to get some ice. I groaned and prayed--I knew it was bad. Rachel's parents arrived not long after, loaded me up on a dolly, and wheeled me to the front driveway. Off to the emergency room we went.
Thank God for Joe and Cherie LeBlance--Dr. Cherie called OLOL trauma center so the hospital would be ready for my arrival. Long story short: I broke my fibula, fractured my tibia, and I have a date with some pins, screws, and a metal plate on Monday. You gotta love it!! Pastor Timmy Straight asked me if I was playing in my high heels or my flats...I have a feeling I'm going to catch a lot of heat from all my friends about this injury!!