Monday, April 30, 2007

Moving Forward

If you're wondering about the condition of my leg, I have a pretty picture of what the doctor saw when he pulled it out of the cast last week...pleasant huh? Gives new meaning to "how beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!" I'm starting the challenging road of physical therapy with Mitch Mula this week. Though I held a press conference announcing to the professional kickball world my retirement from the league (ha ha), I am still committed to creating unforgettable backyard memories for my children--hopefully without any more broken bones!

It was so good to be back at Late Nite this past Saturday! It's been a long time since I've been involved--I last preached on March 10th!! It's difficult to put into words the feelings and emotions that you experience when you reconnect with something you love. Healing Place Church has the world's best college students and young adults anywhere on the planet! You just don't realize how much something means to you until it's taken away. During the month of April, I felt like Tom Hanks in the movie "Castaway"--my life has crashed into an unknown, deserted island, and I often find myself talking to a pair of crutches I fondly named "Wilson" and "Spalding."

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Kickball Tournament

Late Nite is doing our first ever kickball tournament this Saturday! (no i will not be playing!) It will be held at Highland Road Park from 1-3 pm. Check out these funny videos some of our creative minds put together.

Kickball part 1

Kickball part 2

Making a Comeback

This week has been marked by some notable progress. Monday afternoon I went to the gym--crutches and all--and worked out for the first time in 3 weeks. It felt awesome...though I realize I'm pathetic and sorely out of shape! It wears me out just getting to the water fountain in between sets. I was in the office Tuesday, leg propped up and my crutches nearby, having meetings and making phone calls. It was wonderful to be back, fully engaged in church life again. I even scheduled a lunch appointment with a very attractive, drop-dead gorgeous woman--my wife!!

I haven't preached in over a month, so you can imagine how I'm driving everyone around me insane. My kids won't let me say the blessing over the meals anymore, and for the life of me, I can't understand why! There's nothing wrong with putting a little "preach" in your prayer, is there?? It must be the Greek word studies on "chicken nuggets" I include that are making everyone so impatient.

Anyway, I'm excited about the guys Friday morning study at Vitality called "Go Big." I'll be teaching this Friday on our Christian faith being a "Big Adventure" and the thrill of trusting God in the journey. I love doing life with guys who are fully committed to following Jesus regardless of the risks involved!

Moving forward, slowly but surely, one leg at a time!!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

A Taste of Freedom

Fourteen consecutive days of doing life from a recliner--your leg elevated to your earlobe--no ESPN or even basic cable for that's enough to drive anyone crazy!! I thank God for this easy-chair, but when I'm finally able to walk again, I'm going to drag it out to the backyard, douse it with gasoline, and watch it go up in flames!! We'll sing a song of celebration as we sacrifice this piece of furniture, marking the end of my frustration and the beginning of a new season. Oh to be able to walk!! When I'm able to put both feet on the ground, I'll never again complain when Rachel asks me to get up and pour her a glass of water.

It's confession time. Many of you have been injured before and know what it's like to lose mobility. In a sense, it's like being stripped of part of your independence. Don't you hate having to depend on everyone for everything? While talking on the phone with my mom (who lives outside of Dallas) yesterday, I found out she was at the Sonic drive-in. Instantly, I got a craving for a Sonic burger. It was lunchtime, and I made a decision--my hunting and gathering instincts kicked in. Ten minutes later I was driving down Hwy. 42 with both windows down, radio on, crutches in the Tahoe, and my leg propped up on the passenger seat! I felt like a man for the first time in 2 weeks!

I wish I could describe to you the joy I felt!! FREEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!!! Out of that recliner, out of the house, wind in my face, and all the horse-power my broken leg could handle!! I was going to exercise my drive-thru right as an American man...Me want Sonic burger--me go and get Sonic burger! Being a carnivore never felt better! Though I still have a long recovery ahead of me, it was therapy to taste the freedom of full mobility again!

Now, this needs to be our little secret. Rachel is still in London, England, right now and doesn't need to know anything about this! Can I trust you to keep this just between us? Mikaela, who couldn't keep a secret if her life depended on it, has assured me that my solo Sonic-run is safe with her...never-mind the fact that she has already told all the neighbors!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Because He's Faithful

Even though I have slammed on the breaks and my schedule has come to a screeching halt, my spirit is alive and active. I've been able to do some personal inventory and evaluate my "true" priorities--weighing them up against this arbitrary list I carry in my head. It's embarrassing to look at some of the things in my past and realize how selfish I have been. Sometimes I act as if I'm the all-powerful sun, and everything else in the universe must orbit around me. I'm convinced that the most important investment of my time and energy is not in chasing my own dreams, but in loving and serving the people God has brought into my life. It's sad when God has to break your leg to improve your sight!!

I am forever committed to the faithfulness of God. The Bible, history books, and the countless testimonies of modern Christians all over the world remind us to celebrate the faithfulness of God. In the Old Testament, God threw the mighty Egyptian army into the Red Sea. He used hail and locusts, storms and drought, all to accomplish His will. He sent fire from heaven and blinded the eyes of His enemies. He gave children to those in old age, and He delivered His people using the weakest of human servants. Why? Because He's faithful!

In the New Testament He defeated the devil in the wilderness. He raised people from the dead and gave sight back to the blind. He turned a motley crew of fishermen into a group of leaders that would turn the world upside-down! Perhaps most importantly, He snapped the iron grips of death, throwing off its tyranny, bursting from the grave! Why? Because He's faithful!

He poured out His Spirit on all flesh--young and old, men and women--and empowered them to speak of the Good News of His love to the ends of the earth. From the time Jesus ascended into heaven until now, He has enable His Church to withstand the onslaught on persecution and division, heresies and harassment so that His final command might be fulfilled, to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature! Why? Because He's faithful!

Sorry for the sermon...I haven't preached in weeks, and I needed an outlet!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


I'm learning some interesting lessons about myself and the world around me during this time of healing and recovery. Looking at life through this lens has given me such a different perspective. Sometimes God has to put you flat on your back in order for you to look up...literally! I have quickly realized that I'm not a very patient guy. I prayed that God would hurry up and teach me patience, but I'm discovering that it can be a very slow, grueling process. It's funny, but I measure patience by a stop-watch...He measures it by a calendar!

I'm kinda like a sports car--built for speed. I love accelerated growth and can change on a dime. I thrive on high-octane ministry and performance. I want my schedule to be full and my daily goals accomplished in record time...all for the glory of the Lord, of course! Like a true redneck, my sports car has been totalled and is up on cinder blocks out in the back yard. Tall grass has grown all around me, and I feel like I'm rusting out in the rain. My racing days are temporarily gone...could this be for the glory of the Lord too? It only took God 6 days to create everything we see...I believe He's taking the next 6 weeks to create something amazing in me.

With my legged propped up on pillows and my Hydrocodone within reach, I was reading Paul's letter to the Philippian church. These words slid into my spirit like a 33 year-old man would slide into home plate during a game of backyard kickball: "Dear brothers and sisters, I want you to know everything that has happened to me has helped to spread the Good News" (Phil. 1:12). Wow! Paul wasn't sitting on a balcony, overlooking some beautiful beach, watching the sun go down, drinking a lemonade with one of those little umbrellas in his glass. He was writing these words from a prison cell...encouraging others through his suffering and injustice.

I want the same spirit Paul had--knowing that God will use everything in my life (both good & bad, victory & tragedy) to move the Gospel forward. When I don't have answers to all my questions, at least I have His presence...and that's all I really need! If God will get glory from a broken leg and limited mobility, then I should feel honored to wear a cast and struggle on crutches for the next 6 weeks for Him. Job said the same thing in the middle of his calamity: "the Lord gives and He takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord" (Job 1:21).

Perhaps the most significant thing I have experienced since being knocked out of the race put up on blocks has been the response of the Church. I am completely overwhelmed by the amazing love and concern my family of faith has shown. You have no idea the kind of impact your calls, visits, meals, emails, and encouragement have made on me personally. I'm so used to being on the giving end, it's hard to adjust to being the recipient of that kind of compassion. You have truly ministered Jesus to me. I see Him in your eyes, I feel Him in your touch, I even taste Him in your casseroles! Thank you!

Oh, by the way, I even had a group of "professional" international kickball players hear about my injury and come visit me last week! Recognize any of these jokers??!! And check out the toes at the bottom of the picture...those little piggies are mine!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

That's the Breaks!

I rolled into surgery Monday afternoon at Lady of the Lake Hospital, and what was supposed to be a 20 minute procedure actually took 1 hour and 15 minutes. I've had almost a dozen surgeries in my lifetime, so what's one more! Here's a picture of the metal plate and 7 screws Dr. Greene put in my leg--I feel like a piece of hardware from Home Depot! If this gives the appearance of pain and suffering, let me just assure is!

The past couple of days I've been getting to know a couple new friends--Lortab and Hydrocodone...they make me happy. I think I'm really getting good at this Bob Barker, Price is Right game. When I get healthy, I want to go to California and see what I can do to win the Showcase Showdown...or at least a brand new car. Rachel, who is 6 months pregnant, has been such a trooper throughout this whole ordeal. I couldn't ask for better care. She's leaving for London in 1 week, however, for the Hillsong Colour Conference. What am I going to do? I don't even have a British accent?

So many of you have called to check on us and drop off meals (and chocolate chip cookies...for which I am extremely grateful). Slowing down has not been easy for me--I like to take life at 90 mph most of the time--but your kindness has made this season of stillness bearable. We are so blessed to be surrounded by family and friends who really care about us. Thank you!!!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Save the Drama...

I'm learning that there is never a dull moment when you're a full-on follower of Christ! It's a life full of adventure, thrill, challenge, emotion, risk, sometimes pain, and lots of joy. Where did we ever get the idea that Christianity is some mild, passive, secondary experience void of fun? The person who said that obviously never truly encountered my Jesus!

So many things have happened within the last 10 days, I rarely have time to slow down long enough to actually blog and reflect on all the experiences. Rachel is 6 months pregnant now and has taken over our king-size bed. She has to sleep with the help of a dozen pillows, leaving me only a few square inches on the corner of the mattress to try and find rest!

Late Nite was incredible last weekend, as Jason Ryder and the praise team tore it up for 2 hours straight! More important than our own programs, the Holy Spirit wanted to minister to so many people who were wrestling with depression, anxiety, and fear over their future. It's a beautiful thing when you begin to surrender your own plans and expectations to the work and will of God.

On Sunday, we traveled to Richmond, TX, to do the wedding of a precious HPC couple, Jay Wilkins and Amy Sheehan. They got married at a gorgeous ranch house, and we had a blast!! My daughters love weddings--especially dancing at the reception. Much to my concern, both Alexa and Mikaela caught the bouquet as it was thrown. I don't even want to think about what that day will be like!

However, all of this crazy activity is about to fast-paced life has come to a grinding halt--I broke my ankle yesterday in a serious game of backyard kickball with my daughters!! Do you think I might be a little too competitive? What am I going to do when Trevor Michael gets here? I can't even handle playing with my two little girls!

It was a beautiful Thursday afternoon, and our backyard was filled with the sounds and celebration of neighborhood kids starting their spring break. Mikaela and her friends were feeding the ducks in the pond while the other kids were jumping on the trampoline and playing on the swing set. At the church, we have been working hard all week making preparations for Easter, so I was equally interested in a change of pace. Alexa challenged me to a game of kickball--I couldn't resist.

Down several runs, I had to be aggressive in mounting a comeback. I kicked the ball to the corner of the yard and ran like lightning to 3rd base. Alexa had retrieved the ball and was waiting for me at home plate. After playing cat-and-mouse trying to distract her, I made a break for it...literally! I tried to slide into home, tucking my leg underneath me--only my foot got caught and rolled the wrong direction. I heard it "snap-crackle-pop!" from one side to the other. Immediately I knew it was more than a routine sprain.

I never hurt so bad in all my life! My foot literally dangled on the end of my leg. With Rachel at Wal-Mart, I was fortunate to have Cindy, our next door neighbor there. In shock and amazement, she held my foot in place while Alexa ran to get some ice. I groaned and prayed--I knew it was bad. Rachel's parents arrived not long after, loaded me up on a dolly, and wheeled me to the front driveway. Off to the emergency room we went.

Thank God for Joe and Cherie LeBlance--Dr. Cherie called OLOL trauma center so the hospital would be ready for my arrival. Long story short: I broke my fibula, fractured my tibia, and I have a date with some pins, screws, and a metal plate on Monday. You gotta love it!! Pastor Timmy Straight asked me if I was playing in my high heels or my flats...I have a feeling I'm going to catch a lot of heat from all my friends about this injury!!