Tuesday, May 02, 2006

One Day at a Time

This past Saturday was a huge "win" in the life of our church. Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages, made us laugh and cry at our own relational "hang-ups" and challenged us to grow our marriages in the spirit of Christ. I was so glad Rachel attended this conference with me...she has a lot of issues that I've been trying to help her with for a long time now--I made sure she took good notes! I even took notes for her! Is it totally obvious that I'm teasing? Rachel consistently reminds me that I married Ms. Right...I just didn't realize that her first name was Always!

Sunday I traveled to our Healing Place campus in St. Francisville and enjoyed being a part of what God is doing there. We had so many new families in attendance (almost 180 people total), and the energy in the gymnasium was incredible. Mike Haviland did a great job leading worship--I think it's because he has a fresh revelation of grace: he's a newly-wed and has married way out of his league! At the end of the service, 4 people went public with their faith and were baptized in a horse trough behind the school! Don't you just love it when people pledge their allegience to the One who gave Himself for us? The Apostle Paul said, "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; it is the power of God unto salvation..."

Monday is supposed to be considered my "day off." Yeah right! Rachel woke up early that morning, motivated to clean the entire house, and she was quick to recruit help: Me! It's funny, but the things that motivate her seem to irritate me--can't she wait until I get out of the bed before she starts making it!?! She reminded me of all the great notes I took at the marriage conference, all the sermons I've preached on serving, and the example I must set for our children. Isn't accountability wonderful fellas? Needless to say, our best sermons are not the ones we hear but the ones we see. Thank God for a great wife and a clean house!!


At 3:25 AM, Blogger Cajun Tiger said...

Would have definitely attended that conference had I been in town b/c I love his books!

At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, thanks for the time and creativity you put into your blog entries. I am always encouraged by your observations, insights, real-life applications, and enthusiasm for GOD's work in people's lives. GOD has blessed me through you. Thanks! I try to keep your dad up to date on your special sayings, and I can see his love for you in his eyes when he talks about you. You're a good son. Keep on being you! -Lanny Cline in Galveston


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