Sunday, May 07, 2006

Giving Him My All

Today in church, we were singing a song with some incredible lyrics--"With all of my heart, I'm reaching for You--all of my life, I give to You." What a powerful declaration and an awesome way to live--completely surrendered to God! I thought about how easy it can be to say those words on Sunday and how challenging it can be to live those things out on Monday. If you're like me, you can surrender many things to God's care and yet reluctantly hold on to some things for yourself (finances, children, job, relationships). It's ironic, but the stuff we hold on to will be the same stuff we worry and stress over. If it's in our hands, then the success of it will depend on us--but if it's in God's hands, it's future success depends on Him. When you make a decision to trust everything to God, placing your entire life in the hands of Omnipotence, there is absolutely nothing you can do to improve on that! You can be free from anxiety today by trusting every detail of your life to Him!


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