Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Summer Slam

The speed of life in ministry can at times be breathtaking. If you're into casual Sunday afternoon drives and lazy days at the beach, you'll be thrown into a panic while hanging out with me. The spring semester is gone, students are graduated, the summer heat is already here, and there is no time to waste...it's time to hit the ground running.

We normally think of summer in terms of going to the beach, relaxin', chillin' and grillin', taking time off, hangin' out at the pool. But as a former athlete, I was always told that the "off-season" is the most crucial part of your training regiment. The ones who work hard, sweat, and sacrifice when it doesn't count will see the biggest results when it does! In prayer this morning, I felt God speak the same principle to me in spiritual terms. The harvest of the fall season is being determined by what we do now. God will enlarge our capacity for the harvest as we commit ourselves to seeking Him today.

The best way to avoid the "summer slide" is to get a vision of where God is taking you. The sacrifice of today is not just for today. Where do you want to be in 3 or 4 months? What commitments do you need to make now in order for those dreams to become a reality? If you're like me, you've asked God for a lot of big things in the future--you must be willing to do now what He's asking of you, otherwise, it's just wishful thinking!

The summer is here...it's time to start steppin'!


At 2:48 AM, Blogger Cajun Tiger said...

Very good post. Along the same lines as sow and reap. What we sow now we will reap down the road. If you don't sow anything, there will be nothing to reap during the harvest.

At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great insight. I fully agree about having a vision. I read recently a pastor that was asked where he sees himself in 10 years and he stated that he had no idea, that basically that was up to God. I was so sad to hear a pastor say that because I so believe in having a vision, hopes, and dreams! And I especially want my pastors to have vision. (Oh, and it was not any of our pastors. We are blessed with great visionaries or is that visionarians at HPC. Thank you, God!!)

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Beck Payne said...


I always enjoy to hear what God is saying to/through you.



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