What do you get when you squeeze 3500 rowdy Cajuns into a 2100 seat auditorium, and you throw in some Australians from Hillsong Church?...a Holy Ghost explosion! We had an amazing time of worship, teaching, and experiencing God at Bethany's south campus Tuesday night--we even got to meet JP's twin brother from "down under." JP is a much better dancer than he is!

You know you've had some full-contact praise and worship when you leave church dripping wet with sweat, smelling like a locker room!
I thank God for what He is doing in our city, and how He's bringing churches together in these final days for kingdom purposes (Pastor Dino is preaching at Bethany this weekend...how cool is that!). It's not about the labels on our churches, the style of our worship, or the things that make us different--it's about Christ!!!
In helping to host the United praise team this week, I had a unique opportunity to step out of my normal routine and do something radically different. We brought our Australian friends to a gun club in Port Allen and played a little "shoot-em up cowboy." Keep in mind, the only thing I've ever shot is a basketball, and even then I am not real accurate! We fired some serious weaponry (is that a word?) and celebrated our God-given right as men to blow things up. For hours, we fired .9 mm pistols, .45 semi-automatics, assault rifles, MP5's, a .480 big gamer, and even an Israeli made desert eagle .50 caliber handgun (I have no idea if I named all those guns right. All I know is that when the noise finally stopped, my face was dusted with gun powder and my arms hurt more than after a workout at the gym!)
If my nickname is "The Hamanator," I was doing my best to live up to it! At the end of the day, I talked with Murray Landry, one of the great guys at our church who worked with the FBI for years. I asked him how I did, and his words summed it up best. He said, "Preacher...you might want to just stick to the Bible." Aren't you glad for friends who love you enough to be completely honest with you? I guess if I ever had to fire a gun in a time of crisis, I would just spray and pray!!!