With bags packed and Rachel about to pop, I pulled up to A

dmissions 4 entrance at Woman's Hospital a few minutes after 7a.m. I knew what to expect because we've done this exact thing twice before: Alexa on 7/14/98 and Mikaela on 10/1/02. However, this day, July 25, 2007, would belong to Trevor Michael.
After cov

ering the day in prayer and committing the entire experience to God, we were excited to meet our nurse Mrs. Barb Giglio from HPC--Justin's mom!! It was reassuring to see Healing Place Church sprinkled all over the hospital that week. Even after delivery, Jerri LaLonde gave us 5-star treatment for the remainder of our stay. It's amazing how God orchestrates every detail! Rachel's entire family was there, driving all night from North Carolina and Tennessee to make it. My mom came in from Dallas, and my dad would make it the next day.
Most of the day was spent waiting. Trevor took his time gettin

g dressed in the locker room and seemed a little reluctant to run out onto the field. It wasn't until 7:36pm that Trevor decided it was game-time. The girls entertained themselves in the waiting room, and scrubbed up to catch their first glimpse of Lil' T-Rev. I was thrilled the doctor allowed Alexa to actually be in the delivery room and experience this miracle with us!
Since I had already been through this twice before, my initial focus was on Alexa and how she would react. Like a coach before a big game, I talked to

her and got her pumped up...I totally under-estimated what impact this would have on me. When I first laid eyes on Trevor, it tore me up! I found myself crying harder than any of the ladies in the room--how ironic is that!?! I've been so intent on having a man-child, and here I was acting like a little girl! I just couldn't pull myself together. Tears never come when you need them, and when you don't want them to show up, they're always there!
He came out with a fair complexion, long skinny legs, distinct mouth, and red tint to his hair...weighing 7 lbs 11 oz...my exact birth-weight. I had to pinch myself all night--was it really true? Did this really happen? Do I have a son? Alexa and I cried on each other's shoulders in shock and disbelief. "It's true Daddy! Baby Trevor...just like we always wanted!" It was a beautiful moment that I will never forget.
Life has changed in a hurry for the Hamans. As best we could, Rachel and I celebrated our 11th anniversa

ry in the hospital with a little romantic dinner for two. We are no longer the Haman-Four...there are 5 of us now. Another car seat, another place at the table, another child to get ready for bed...an

d just when we thought diapers were a thing of the past!! Changing a little boy's diaper is a touch different than changing a little girl's diaper. We learned that boys have a built-in sprinkler system that seems to go off at the most inappropriate times!! The cover-and-switch technique must be implemented.
Little Man is here!