Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Miracle in the Music City

After the Thanksgiving Holiday, Marc Cleary and I had the opportunity to travel to Nashville, TN, to visit our close friends, Kevin and Tracy Mawae and their family. What an awesome couple!! They've been fully committed members of Healing Place Church from almost the beginning and have made a huge investment in the spiritual landscape of the NFL. Kevin played his college ball at LSU (who rolled all over Arkansas Friday...Go Tigers!!) and is now with the Tennessee Titans.

The Titans were hosting the New York Giants this past Sunday, and the first 3 quarters were rough. Behind by 3 touchdowns, the Titans were playing sloppy and unable to take care of the ball. With the score 21-0, Tennessee began to turn things around, staging one of the best come-from-behind wins in the league so far this season. They forced a couple of turnovers, converted on a huge fourth down play, and kicked a field goal in the final 6 seconds to win the game...24-21!!! We celebrated and acted like a bunch of junior high kids on the last day of school!

Kevin and Tracy have a beautiful home right outside of Nashville in a city called Franklin. With plenty of room to run and play, they have 19 acres that hold 5 horses, 3 goats, 1 cat, and plenty of deer--you already know about my deer hunting skills...if not, check out my previous post! It was a great change of pace for me--I've never ridden a horse or spent any meaningful time with goats before! A big shout-out to Kevin and Tracy...and their family and friends (Doug and Lisa-great to meet you as well)! Thank you taking such wonderful care of us this weekend and congratulations on a great win Sunday. May the Titans experience many more to come!!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

On the Hunt

This week has been a wonderful change of pace for me. On Monday, I stepped outside of my normal ministry routine, trading my cell phone and lap top computer for some camoflauge and a 30-06 rifle. If that scares you, you're not wife has concerns as well!! Her father has been an avid outdoorsman for years with trophy animals that turn his living room into an entire zoo--while the only thing I've ever shot is a basketball!!

With temperatures hovering around 30 degrees, we headed toward the camp long before sunrise. I was dressed in so many layers of clothes that I knew if I fell down, there was no getting back up!! I sat in the deer stand, entertained by a family of squirrels and jumped at every noise I heard. It's amazing when the sun comes up how everything looks and sounds like a 10-point buck. I wanted to pull the trigger...just once!

After 3 hours of struggling to stay awake, it was time to call it quits--no buck and no luck. We decided to stay the afternoon and catch an evening hunt. At 2 minutes til 5, I heard some movement behind the trees in front of me and thought it was another squirrel family reunion. Only this time, it was was brown...and it was going down!

When I lifted my gun to put him in my sights, he looked right at me. I froze. He stared. I could feel my heart beating in my chest--it was kind of like a matrix moment. He lowered his head to start eating again, so I put him right in my crosshairs and took a deep breath...POW! He ran 20 yards up the hill and laid down--it was a quick, painless trip to deer heaven, so please no hate mail from any animal rights activists!

After 10 years of being married to Rachel, I finally got my first deer. It's official...I'm now a legitimate part of the family!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Golden Moments

Yesterday, Rachel and I took the girls to see a precious friend of ours, Ms. Fana Hill. Fana is an 88 year-old firecracker, full of life, laughs, and love for our Savior. She lost her husband years ago, never had any children of her own, and just recently said goodbye to her only brother last year. It just made sense to adopt her into our family--the love was immediate and the joy has been all ours!! She's a hopeless romantic and loves to eat spaghetti and chocolate (not surprising for a passionate Italian girl)! She tells it just like it is...she doesn't waste time mixing words--I love that about her. Ready to leave this old world and all of its troubles behind, Fana talks to Jesus about her heavenly arrival every day...can't say that I blame her. She laughed and told me, "Mike, Jesus promised us that heaven would be a wonderful place...when I get there, I'm going to hold Him to it! If it's not all that He said it would be, He's going to have one little fussy Italian woman on His hands!" I learn so much from her--a greater appreciation for life, a better understanding of the value of friendships, and a clearer perspective on the reality of heaven. No wonder the Scriptures tell us to tend to widows and make them priority...not just for their benefit, but for ours!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Great Weekend

This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to serve at our annex campus...and what an awesome experience (not to mention some good-looking people. Check these guys out!). If you've never been to our annex facility on a Sunday morning, you are missing out! Both services carried such a sense of expectation--I just knew God was going to show up in an amazing way. From the first note to the last "Amen," Jason Ryder and the praise team brought down the thunder, and Pastor John Seibling (Life Church, in Memphis) gave us a challenging word on mercy. I saw grown men in tears, letting go of their anger and embracing a new found mercy--I saw women getting healed from the pain of their past--I saw teenagers and college students being set free from bitterness and resentment. What we participated in last Sunday was truly a miracle in every sense of the word. I'm constantly amazed--and humbled--at the front row seat I have in watching God at work among us!!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Proud of My Girls

Today was a much needed day of rest for the Haman family...oh, how I love Mondays!! We got a chance to shift gears and take care of some things around the house--pay bills, wash dishes, fold clothes, watch Little Mermaid, color, and put make-up on Daddy--you know, the normal Monday routine. Living in a house full of women can be interesting. There are times when I feel as if I'm swimming in a sea of estrogen...but I wouldn't trade my girls for anything in the world! I get to hang out with the prettiest ladies on the planet. Rachel led worship tonight at the HP Women's meeting, and I heard she did a fantastic job. I brought Alexa and Mikaela to gymnastics and got to witness a first: after 18 months of tumbling class, Alexa nailed her first ever round-off, flip-flop all by herself...not even a spot!! I could tell she was nervous before she took off. She looked up in the stands for some encouragement, and I gave her the thumbs-up sign. Attacking the runway with the speed and power of an NFL running back, Alexa landed the jump!! It was awesome! I went crazy--almost teared up! She was pumped. We celebrated with a little Hot Fudge Sundae and an Oreo McFlurry.