Reflections of a Busy Man
I know what you're
thinking..."Well it's about time!! Poor Mike--he's got too much going on. He needs help with updating his blog." You have no's worse than you think! Do you ever feel like life comes at you so fast that you barely have time to keep up with it, much less reflect and record your thoughts on it??? That seems to be the reality of this current season of my life.
We live in a world that thrives on speed and acceleration. Our cars have engines that move them faster. Our compute
rs have chips that increase their speed and reduce our time of waiting. Even our coffee has to be ready in an instant. We suffer from a disease called hurry sickness. It's an epidemic, and our souls diminish because of it. The tragedy in moving so fast is that we skim through life on the surface and never experience any depth. Sometimes we need to slow down, put on the breaks, and call a time-out.
The past couple of weeks have been squeezed with some amazing activity:
**hosting some incredible friends from out-of-town (Gary Clark-London Hillsong,
Scott Steelman-Italy for Christ, Rich Bedayne & Rob Read-HPC California)**a wonderful time of ministry at our HPC St. Francisville campus (Timmy Straight is my country cowboy hero!!!)
**baptizing over 100 people who decided to go public with their faith
**the home-going celebration of 3 precious saints who have stepped into eternity with Christ
**Happy Birthday to my wife Rachel who made 31 on Monday Sept 17th (She doesn't look a
day over 21!!!)**a family trip to Destin, FL as we held off a tropical storm in the gulf
**2 convincing LSU Tiger victories
**the privilege of helping dozens of people in crisis through the Gospel of Jesus**a trip to New Orleans for chapel and a Tennessee Titans victory in the Superdome
**an LSU Hall of Fame induction for one of my great friends Kevin Mawae
If I'm not careful, I'll be tempted to race through all this activity and jump into the next thing without giving it a single thought. The great tragedy in life is not what men suffer--it's what they miss. Don't speed through life missing what's most important. Speed has a clever way of robbing us. The relationships we never deepen...people we never serve...prayers we never pray...spiritual conversations we never we never give...spiritual gifts we never exercise...battles we never fight...victories we never win...tears we never cry...because we're in such a hurry.
You and I were made for so much more. Don't just race through your life. Enjoy it!
thanks for reminding me to slow down to enjoy EVERYTHING God has blessed me with!
Great pics!
I need to read this at least 2-3 times a week! Thanks for the reminder to ssslllooowww down.
Slow jam, Pastor Mike! Slow jam!
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