Thursday, September 28, 2006

Big Win At The Varsity

It was standing-room-only at a packed out Varsity Theater last night, when over 750 people crammed into one of the most popular hang-outs on the LSU campus. The atmosphere was charged with energy and excitement as J-Dawg and our Late Nite worship team stepped on stage. We were all filled with an incredible sense of hope and expectation because our primary purpose for being there had little to do with us...and had everything to do with the One who gave Himself for us--Jesus Christ, the real superstar! From the first note to the final prayer, the love of God was on display.

Even though we were in a unique setting, the atmosphere still felt like home--Jesus really was here...and anything could happen! Mid-way through the worship set, I shared a very simple message about the Cross of Jesus and gave everyone a chance to lay down their sin, their hurts, their past, their failures, and their very lives at His feet. The response was breathtaking! Hands were popping up everywhere--in the back, upstairs in the cafe, even at the bars men and women were reaching a place of surrender. God was doing what only He can do--transforming people from the inside-out! At that moment, I could sense the supernatural taking place. A tidal wave of mercy and compassion was being poured out. People were embracing truth and being set free!

When the night was over, many of us sat around in awe of what we had just experienced. God moments are sometimes difficult to put into words. I'm so proud to be a part of a church that places a high priority on the lost. I can't say enough about our staff and leadership teams who went the second mile to pull this thing off. I'm grateful for the men and women who contributed financially so that another lost soul could find the Answer!

As I left the campus and made my way back to Prairieville around midnight, my body was exhausted but my mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts. I pray when our Lord comes back to get us that He will find us doing everything we can, expending every last drop of energy, creativity, and passion to bring one more person into the Kingdom...populating heaven and plundering hell!!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Getting Ready

It's Wednesday afternoon at 2pm, and we are making final preparations for our crusade at the Varsity Theater tonight. What an incredible week of sacrifice and commitment it has been!! I'm humbled by the number of people who have given their time, talent, and touch to make this happen. Our teams having been working around the clock since last week...Friday night, a group of Late Niters went to several LSU bars (Fred's and Reggie's) to pass out bottles of water and promotional fliers, and then stayed up all night to set up for the outreach on the parade grounds Saturday. We fed police officers, college students, and even the homeless that passed by our tent!
On Monday night, nearly 60 Late Niters gathered on the campus at the clock tower for prayer and intercession, believing God to make a big splash so desperately needed in this community. I thought about how the Varsity is normally a place where people go to party, drink, look for a good time, escape the pressures of responsibilty...maybe even hide from God. But in 6 hours, the place will be totally will become "Holy Ground!" Instead of running from God, they will be running right to Him!!! We're praying that many people will be surprised by the Holy Spirit and come under a different kind of influence tonight!!

Couple of cool stories: Last time we did this event, we had over 600 people show up and a dozen people cross the line of faith. When we were leaving the venue, I overheard one lady say to another, "Is any place safe anymore? Since when did the church start coming to places like this?" I was wondering why we (the chruch) ever left in the first place! Light in a dark world is what God called us to be.

Yesterday, our church receptionist (Mrs.Terri-she's the best!!) received a call from a concerned parent. He said that his daughter told him she was going to church this week at the Varsity. He said, "I thought my daughter was trying to pull one over on me when she said that church was taking place in a bar. So I had to check it out and make sure she was telling me the truth!" Ha! I love that...let's keep being a dangerous church, not afraid to take risks for the kingdom!!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Full Steam Ahead

Wednesday we wrapped up our current teaching series called "Gravity: Rising Above the Pull of Temptation." What an incredible four weeks it has been! God is changing the landscape of so many lives, and we are seeing a new wave of passion and hunger in Late Nite this semester. It truly is amazing what happens when people refuse to fake reality and determine to live authentically. Our altars are constantly being filled with men and women who are determined to leave the guilt and shame of their past behind. Isn't it so cool to know that God knows our struggles and cares enough about them to get involved? We are pumped about the opportunity God is giving us to create an enivronment of hope and healing for so many who feel lost and fogotten.

This Wednesday, we are taking our Late Nite service to the other side of Highland Rd. on the campus of LSU to the Varsity Theater. It's going to be an incredible night to experience God in a setting where many people normally go to escape Him! Light in darkness--salt in a bland society. I love can never outrun the love of the Father!! Tomorrow is going to be a full day on the campus--hanging out, tailgating, grilling some food, passing out bottles of water and fliers. We really want to make a big splash for the kingdom next Wednesday. We believe Late Nite @ the Varsity is going to be an historic experience that will change lives forever! Please help us pray that the purposes of God will prevail and that many will cross the line of faith. We would love for you to be a part if you are able. Bring a friend... invite those who would never darken the door of a church to come to the Varsity this Wednesday. Spread the word...LSU, here we come!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Celebrating 30 Years!

Yesterday, Rachel crossed a major milestone in her life--she turned 30 years old! Remembering how depressed I was leaving my 20's to enter the dreadfully mature and responsible 30's, I asked her how she felt about this transition. She was excited, ready for a new season and the opportunities of a new decade. We had a slammin' party for her at the house with lots of great food (especially the hand-made, gourmet quality sandwiches and those little BBQ smokies), and so many friends to help us celebrate. All the kids were hot and sweaty from jumping on the trampoline and playing on the swing set. I even saw little boys pushing baby strollers and playing with the kitchen set--our toy selection will surely change when I have my more barbies and baby dolls!! A special thanks to Rachel's family for working so hard to prepare the food...and to everyone who was able to stop by. We are incredibly blessed!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

A Little Taste of Italy

God has blessed us at HPC with so many great relationships--people who share the same heartbeat for His kingdom all over the world. This week I've had the privilege of hosting Scott Steelman, a key player in a national movement called "Italy for Christ." Scott, originally from south Florida, has been involved in youth ministry for 2 decades, and now spends his time training pastors and youth leaders to reach the next generation in Italy. What's amazing, Italy is a country of over 60 million people and not one full-time youth pastor!! The second largest Muslim church in the world is in Rome. The largest evangelical churches in Italy are maybe 500 people, and there has been no push toward the future or reaching students. The door is wide-open and a generation is up for grabs.

God has positioned Scott and his family to address these critcal issues by starting up campus ministries at high schools and universities and training pastors and youth leaders from all over the country. In 3 weeks, Rachel and I will have an opportunity to travel overseas and serve at one of these conferences. Scott has been with us all week, visiting with our staff and ministering to our high school and college students. Our connection was immediate--like instant rice! We look forward to a little pasta and marinara in Rome!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

God on the Move

Do you ever get discouraged watching the evening news? I do my best to stay informed with what is happening around the globe, but it seems like the top headlines are always something tragic or completely negative. Pictures and images of Katrina, 9/11, Iraq, the Middle East, teenagers dying--our world seems to be spinning into chaos. It's amazing how a 30 minute news segment can totally deflate and depress you! Yet, in spite of all the pain and suffering we experience, God is on the move in an incredible way. Just last week, I had the privilege of traveling to Jacksonville, Florida, and serve at Celebration Church for a weekend retreat targeting college students and young adults. Cool thing: they call their Saturday night gathering of 600 people Late Nite, just like us! We experienced a "Last Days" outpouring as described in the book of Acts, and many touched heaven in a way they never had before. Here at home, in our own Late Nite ministry, we're in a series called "Gravity: Rising Above the Pull of Temptation." I believe this has been one of the most helpful things we've talked about all year. Last Wednesday our altars were completely full--probably around 150 people squeezed in the front, being honest with God and seeking His strength and help. Just last night, over 700 HPC leaders and volunteers converged at our Highland campus for a night of vision and expectation of where God is taking us. Talk about a lethal environment...I even saw senior adults jumping and dancing, forming their own mosh-pit during worship!! We might need to bring oxygen masks and make sure everyone has health insurance before we do something like that again!! Everywhere I go, I see the fingerprints of Jesus Christ. The devil is on the move because he knows his time is short, but I see an army of healers coming together for the purpose of serving their King! The Church was never meant to be a refuge from the world but an unstoppable force in the world!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Jesus in Skin

Okay, I'm beyond the point of apologizing, but the past few days have been a complete blur...and once again I've been predictably absent from the blog-sphere world. (Kudos to all you who can be consistent in bringing the dialogue of your life to the computer screen--can't you detect the jealousy in my tone!)

It's been an amazing week in the spiritual landscape of our community as we remembered the victims and so many families who suffered through hurricane Katrina just 1 year ago. I thought about the chaos in our own city and how we scrambled as a church to do whatever we could to help those in need. Going on little sleep and lots of caffeine, we worked 'round the clock at the New Orleans airport, tending to the needs of the helpless and critically sick. We transformed 2 of our church campuses into shelters and our Highland campus became a relief center where people could find a meal, some living necessities, and much needed peace.

In the middle of mass confusion, growing frustration, and unprecedented suffering, there was the church--not a building of bricks and mortar, but the living, breathing body of Christ. Lovers of Jesus from all over our state--and even country--came to roll up their sleeves and serve the hurting. We laid down our logos and our egos and joined together to become an army of healers, just like Christ intended for us to be. It's embarrassing to admit that it takes a terrible loss or tragedy to open our eyes and give us understanding. Sometimes we have to step into our worst moments in order to gain our best perspectives.

We learned that compassion has to be more than just words. It is something tangible--something visible. A blind man can see it, a deaf man can hear it, and a lost man can feel it!!! One year later, I prayer that our passion and our pulse is still beating for those in need. I read a scripture this morning that sums it up best: Isaiah 1 :17 says, "Learn to do good, seek justice, help the oppressed, defend the orphan, and fight for the rights of widows." What we should be doing is crystal clear, huh!